

Welcome to my travel blog.

I may tell you a travel story, share a list of things to do, an itinerary, or something totally irrelevant to travel, but beneficial for life. Either way, have fun looking around. This is my hobby and travel is my passion, so I can get away with contradicting the marketing strategies of the week.

I hope you find the information you need for your upcoming adventures. Maybe you’ll discover a few other things that’ll keep you coming back. (I would like someone to read my posts.)

Always feel free to comment and let me know if you have questions or suggestions. Please follow the GnG guidelines for commenting, which are: Be nice, refrain from cursing, and giggle a little - it’s good for the soul.


Use a Squatty Potty Like a Pro

Use a Squatty Potty Like a Pro

What? A squat what?

When traveling through Asia, Europe, and South America you may encounter a squatty potty. Some questions may come to mind like - do I stand on those grooves? Do I straddle? Will there be splashing? Who do I ask about this? Do they speak my language? Hey, what is the bucket and scoop for? Whatever you do, don't verbally express your distaste for such a foreign object and control your facial expressions. You are a culturally-tuned traveler - you got this.

Overcome the challenge of using a squatty potty with these few tips:

  1. Have local currency (coins) on hand in case you have to pay to enter the WC/toilet or buy toilet paper.

  2. Have wipes in the bathroom with you! There could be some splashing that occurs and there may not be soap and/or a sink. All paper items go in the trash (in Asia).

    do not throw toilet paper in the potty in Asia or if there’s a sign stating such elsewhere.

  3. The grooves are there for standing on them, but if you need to, straddle the squatty potty. Wearing shorts or pants? Feel free to remove one leg, hold to the side and go. Ladies, I prefer a dress - it's just easier.

  4. Have hand sanitizer.

  5. The bucket and/or scoop is for washing down the waste. (seen this mostly in Asia)

    *Do not drink or wash your hands or face with that water.

Throwing toilet paper in the trash may be new to you, but you can do it!

Check out this video for visuals.

Let me know how your first squatty potty encounter goes!

If you liked this post, share it with your friends and leave a comment on how you overcame the SP woes.


Fear of Travel

Fear of Travel

Bustin' @ the Seams

Bustin' @ the Seams