

Welcome to my travel blog.

I may tell you a travel story, share a list of things to do, an itinerary, or something totally irrelevant to travel, but beneficial for life. Either way, have fun looking around. This is my hobby and travel is my passion, so I can get away with contradicting the marketing strategies of the week.

I hope you find the information you need for your upcoming adventures. Maybe you’ll discover a few other things that’ll keep you coming back. (I would like someone to read my posts.)

Always feel free to comment and let me know if you have questions or suggestions. Please follow the GnG guidelines for commenting, which are: Be nice, refrain from cursing, and giggle a little - it’s good for the soul.


Bustin' @ the Seams

Bustin' @ the Seams

It was not my pants that were bustin' at the seams.
It was the BTS (rail) in B A N G K O K!

Mama Lisa and I sat out for our day in the bustling city of Bangkok after enjoying a scrumptious breakfast at the Breakfast Club. It was 0800, i.e. rush hour. As you can see in the picture the 3 entries are BUSTIN' @ THE SEAMS! The first time the train stopped, we were thinking nah, we'll wait until the next one. The second one came, we stepped forth..............nope, not happening. Ok, so for sure the next train, we're on it! We wait, the lines are getting short at each entry, so it's going to happen right? I mean we have places to be, food to eat, and sights to see. Fourth train came and went - as you can see the guy in the picture is hoping the door doesn't close on his wrist. I mean that's my interpretation of his face. Second entry - her butt is sticking out in the doorway! How long are we going to be on this platform waiting!? As one might imagine, we are feeling real brave at this point. It's about time to throw some 'bows (elbow our way in). I'm kidding - we are way to nice and culturally tuned to do something like that in Thailand (but America - yes!). Here comes #5!!! WE ARE ON!!! We are packed tighter than two coats of paint. Being the dainty, fun girls we are - we begin to giggle. That's right, giggle. --------------------> Oh NO!
Imagine this - a jar of sardines, one begins to laugh, then another. The other sardines are frozen - face and bodies. None are talking, none are laughing, none are moving! The two foreign sardines are now perspiring from the body heat and laughter. HELP! We can't stop! The best part is we don't even know why we are laughing.
*DISCLAIMER: I love Thai people and do not think of them as sardines, nor do I think of myself as a sardine.

Moral of the story is: Find things in life to smile about - even when it makes no sense. #laughuntilyoucry #livewithoutborders


Use a Squatty Potty Like a Pro

Use a Squatty Potty Like a Pro

Italy by Train

Italy by Train