

Welcome to my travel blog.

I may tell you a travel story, share a list of things to do, an itinerary, or something totally irrelevant to travel, but beneficial for life. Either way, have fun looking around. This is my hobby and travel is my passion, so I can get away with contradicting the marketing strategies of the week.

I hope you find the information you need for your upcoming adventures. Maybe you’ll discover a few other things that’ll keep you coming back. (I would like someone to read my posts.)

Always feel free to comment and let me know if you have questions or suggestions. Please follow the GnG guidelines for commenting, which are: Be nice, refrain from cursing, and giggle a little - it’s good for the soul.


Food Delivery in Vicenza

Food Delivery in Vicenza

That’s right! You can have food delivered to you. When COVID-19 hit us and we were locked down, more restaurants began delivering or using a delivery service. I’ve realized some people aren’t aware that these services are available and how to find them. So here is short and sweet post to provide you with more useful information, however, it’s not to be used as an ongoing excuse to avoid visiting Italian businesses in person.

Be aware some restaurants charge for delivery and some do not. Also, some may be on one site and not the other. Be sure to check all three, if you’re searching for a specific restaurant. On the other hand, you can call the restaurant and ask if they deliver; especially if you live nearby.

All of the services listed below will allow you to pay online via PayPal or debit/credit card. More often than not, they’ve been punctual and we’ve been satisfied with the service.



Note: Check the delivery hours. Sometimes you can pre-order and set a time for delivery.

If you have any questions, tips or suggestions related to this post, please post in the comments.

A Long Weekend in Puglia

A Long Weekend in Puglia

Weekend in Caracoi Cimai

Weekend in Caracoi Cimai