

Welcome to my travel blog.

I may tell you a travel story, share a list of things to do, an itinerary, or something totally irrelevant to travel, but beneficial for life. Either way, have fun looking around. This is my hobby and travel is my passion, so I can get away with contradicting the marketing strategies of the week.

I hope you find the information you need for your upcoming adventures. Maybe you’ll discover a few other things that’ll keep you coming back. (I would like someone to read my posts.)

Always feel free to comment and let me know if you have questions or suggestions. Please follow the GnG guidelines for commenting, which are: Be nice, refrain from cursing, and giggle a little - it’s good for the soul.


The Wake-up Virus

The Wake-up Virus

21 March 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic

We'll never know the full truth. There are so many unknowns and “I thoughts” and “maybes.” We can’t actually EXPECT humans whether government, politicians, doctors, media, or prophets to know what’s been and/or what’s to come. You cannot depend solely on doctors, media, and grocery stores to tend to your well-being. The media can share information all day, but when the night falls - it’s you making decisions, tucking those healthy babies in, and laying down with your significant other (or just you and Jesus).

All we can do is use our God given wisdom to care for ourselves and families given the information that is certain - a virus is rapidly spreading and killing thousands.

Why do we need to know sooooo much more? Why can’t we just say thank you for letting us know and tend to our families? Also, why must we be so greedy?

I’ve been reflecting a lot on more things than I care to share here. Maybe I’ll write a blog post about it once I’m done processing it all. The Holocaust has come to mind more often than anything else. In my humble opinion, that is the most well documented genocide in our history. Mind you there are others happening today, but I won’t go there quite yet. I was out walking yesterday and came across this lonesome sock on a cobblestone road - a child’s sock obviously. I took the picture as my friend and I had begun talking about how the Holocaust had been on both our minds. Thinking about Anne Frank and how a child dealt with isolation for 2 years. She used her time so wisely to write about her experience and we get to glean from her diary entries to this day. This sock makes me think of her and that horrific time. As humans, we often need to compare to compartmentalize, find rationale, or for just plain sanity. It happens without me realizing the depth of my own thoughts and reactions.

While this event is nothing compared to that - it’s breaking our hearts all the same. Furthermore, our cities are shutdown, we have to carry a self-declaration form and ID to present to officials, the officials are stopping people, the streets are deserted, Italians that have passed aren’t receiving ceremonies, and we are now confined to our homes with few exceptions. If we are caught out without a good reason, we could be fined.

On the way back from our walk, we were stopped by the polizia. My friend speaks Italian and was able to comprehend all that he was saying. He told us we cannot be out on a leisurely walk, we could be fined. Thankfully, he let us go because clearly that order had not been made public at the time or we would’ve been home.

My friend in China posted that they’re taking their temperature everyday and logging it into an app. Every stop they made, someone was there to take their temp.

American family and friends, don’t be misled by your right to freedom - it could kill you. Just saying.

20 Things They Forgot to Tell You About Renting in Italy

20 Things They Forgot to Tell You About Renting in Italy

A Letter from Italy

A Letter from Italy